If their irises are mere pinpoints, if their wings are jerking a bit, if their head and neck feathers are puffed out, or if they are chatting angrily to themselves, stay away. I have avoided many bites just from watching their mannerisms before handling them.
- Blanchard, Sally. "Getting Past Biting Behaviors by Understanding Them," Bird Talk, May 2010.
- Burgess, Alyson. "Why Does My Bird Bite Me So Much?" About.com.
- "Correcting Bird Biting Behavior," drsfostersmith.com.
- "Exotic Bird FAQ: Why Does My Bird Bite?" thetrueparrot.homestead.com.
- F., Ann. "Success With A Biting Pet Bird!" Winged Wisdom (Feb. 1998).
- Hallendar, Jane."To Bite or Not to Bite - That Is the Question," Pet Bird Report.
- Hines, Ron. "How To Tame a Wild or Aggressive Parrot," 2ndchance.info.
- Johnson, Anne. "Once Bitten...... Twice Shy," Winged Wisdom (June 1997).
- Mandis, Kathleen. "The Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde Syndrome."
- Margison, Becky. "Why Does My Bird Bite?" Petfinder.com.
- Nash, Holly. "Bird Biting: Why They Do It and How to Correct It." Peteducation.com.
- "Pet Tips: Stop Biting Birds," essortment.com.
- "The Biting Bird," Quakerville.com.
- Tucker, Kelly. "Ouch!! Bird Bites," Winged Wisdom (March 2000).
- YouTube videos to watch.
- "How To STOP Green Cheek Conure Biting and Make Them Listen To You."
- Wilson, Liz. "Biting Parrots: Why They Do It and How To Control It," UpAtSix.
- Wilson, Liz. "Don't Take It Personally," UpAtSix.
- Wilson, Liz. "Facial Bites, Nozzle Nuzzling, & Tummy Kisses," UpAtSix.
- Wilson, Liz. "Biting: The Great Power Game," The Grey Play Round Table.
- Athan, Mattie Sue. "Beyond Biting," Bird Talk, 16 (Sept. 1998): 62-71.
- Blanchard, Sally. "Biting: Getting Past the Fear," Pet Bird Report, 9 v. 2 (Feb. 2000): 6-10.
- Blanchard, Sally. "No More Biting Birds," Bird Talk, 9 (Oct. 1991): 109-115.
- Blanchard, Sally. "Parrot Psychology: Cheeky Grey Cheek," Bird Talk, 6 (Mar. 1988): 26.
- Blanchard, Sally. "Parrot Psychology: Minimize Biting Behavior," Bird Talk, 17 (June 1999): 68-69.
- Blanchard, Sally. "Stop That Screaming!, Nippy Fits, Do You Dislike Your Bird?" Bird Talk, 12 (Apr. 1994): 118-123.
- Blanchard, Sally. "Why Birds Bite," Bird Talk, 11 (Mar. 1993): 68-72.
- Chamberlain, Susan. "The Big, Bad Bite," Bird Talk, 23 (Jan. 2005): 26-35.
- Davis, Chris. "The Biting Bird," Bird Talk, 12 (Jun. 1994): 32-38.
- Davis, Chris. "Heart to Heart: Why Does My New Bird Bite," Bird Talk, 20 (May 2002): 22-23.
- Doss, Joanie. "Biting the Hand That Feeds Them," Bird Talk, 13 (Oct. 1995): 106-109.
- Dorge, Ray. "10 Ways to Avoid Bird Bites," Bird Talk, 15 (May 1997): 80-83.
- Micco, T. & M. "Why do Birds Scream and Bite?" Bird Talk, 4 (Apr. 1986): 25.
- Moustaki, Nikki. "Turn Down the Volume," Bird Talk, 20 (Apr. 2002): 50-59.
- Thornton, J. "Taking the Bite Out of the Bird," Bird Talk, 6 (May 1988): 16.
- Wilson, Liz. "Take the Bite Out of Biting," Bird Talk, 19 (July 2001): p. 30-39.