Online Resources
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Suggested Reading Materials for Grey Cheeks
The following resources were found to be very useful in researching grey cheeks for their pet potential or may be read just for fun. Robbie Harris' book and many of her articles mention other members of the Brotogeris family as well as grey cheeks.
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Articles (Miscellaneous):
- Aschenborn, Carl. Keeping and Breeding Parrots: 53, 56-57.
- Castanza, Joe. "Pilot Pookie Takes an Unscheduled Flight."
- DuBois, Sharon. "Animal Communication - A Success Story" (mentions grey cheeks).
- Germeau, Smiles. "Greycheek Parakeets."
- Greeson, Linda. "A Little Bird Made a Big Difference."
- "Grey-cheeked Parakeets," Petland.
- "The Grey-cheeked Parakeet," (24 pg. booklet--no author given).
- Mandis, Kathleen. "The Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde Syndrome."
- Marsh, Beverly. "The Accident Prone Grey Cheek."
- Marsh, Beverly. "The Pet Potential of the Grey-Cheeked Parakeet."
- Pitz, Lynn & Richard. "Keeping Birds in the Office."
- "Sam's Story."
- Sheehan, Leah. "Grey Cheeked Parakeets."
- "Tumbesian Parrots, Ecuador," Loro Parque.
- Alderton, David. The Atlas of Parrots of the World, 1991: 290-291.
- Alderton, David. "Captive Breeding" in Companion Bird Medicine, ed. Elisha W. Burr, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1987: 15-19 (Brotogeris: 16).
- Alderton, David. You and Your Pet Bird, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992: 90.
- Coburn, John. The Professional's Book of Conures, New Jersey: T.F.H. Publications, Inc., 1991: 11,104-109 (photos: 8, 39-40, 43, 45-46, 50-51,55, 59, 62-63, 66, 70, 79, 108-109).
- de Grahl, M. The Parrot Family, New York: Arco Publishing Inc., 1979: 122.
- Freud, Arthur. The Complete Parrot, 1995: 191-192.
- Forshaw, Joseph M. Parrots of the World, 3rd ed., Willoughby, Australia: Lansdowne Editions, 1989: 531-533.
- Howard, Richard and Moore, Alick. A Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World, 2nd ed., San Diego, CA: Academic Press Ltd., 1991: 110.
- Juniper, Tony and Parr, Mike. Parrots: A Guide to Parrots of the World, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998: 178-179, 490-491.
- Kolar, Kurt and Spitzer, Karl Heinz. Encyclopedia of Parakeets, 1990: 10,36,172,175.
- Low, Rosemary. Handrearing Parrots and Other Birds, rev. ed., Blandford, London: Silvo Mattacchione & Co., 1991: 74, 88-89.
- Low, Rosemary. Parrots in Aviculture: A Photo Reference Guide, Ontario, Canada: Silvo Mattacchione & Co., 1992: 12-15, 228.
- Low, Rosemary. The Parrots of South America, London: John Gifford Ltd., 1972: 165-166 (photo: 168).
- Low, Rosemary. Parrots: Their Care and Breeding, 2nd ed., Ontario, Canada: Silvo Mattacchione & Co., 1986: 274, 276-277 (section on Brotogeris).
- Silva, Tony. Psittaculture: The Breeding, Rearing & Management of Parrots, Silvo Mattacchione & Co.: Ontario, Canada, 1991, p. 270-273 (small section on Brotogeris).
- Skinner, Martin. The Proper Care of Parrots, Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications Inc., 1992, (photos: 68, 70-71, 140-141).
Magazine Articles:
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- Anderson, Sue & Elizabeth. "The Plight of Brotogeris," Bird Talk, 19 (May 2001): 60-69.
- Beisser, Mary. "Rehabilitation of Exotic Birds," Bird Talk, 14 (June 1996): 110-125 (very briefly mentions grey cheeks).
- Brightsmith, Donald. "The Wild Side of Brotogeris Parakeets," Bird Breeder On-line, June 1999.
- "Causes & Cures: Scruffy Grey Cheek," Bird Talk 5 (Sept. 1987): 16.
- Cota, David. "A Taste of Fame," Bird Talk, 9 (April 1991): 52-54,56,58-59.
- Forster, Susan (Chamberlain). "Small Talk: More About Pocket Parrots," Bird Talk, 9 (May 1991): 10,12.
- Forster, Susan (Chamberlain). "Perky Pocket Parrots," Bird Talk, 9 (March 1991): 80-81,84-95.
- "From the Nest Box: Grey Cheeked Parakeets," Bird Talk, 10 (Jan. 1992): 112.
- Germeau, Smiles. "Breeding Grey Cheek Parakeets," The Domesticated Parrot (Mar. 1997): 14-17.
- Grindol, Diane. "FYI: Brotogeris Society Formed," Bird Talk, 19 (July 2001): 8.
- Hampe, Helmut. "Brotogerys Parrakeets (sic)," Avicultural Magazine, 4 (1939): 402-406.
- Harris, Robbie. See her page of articles.
- Hoss, Susan. "Hello, My Name Is Captain Flint," Bird Talk, 11 (Sept. 1993): 108-112.
- Hoss, Susan. "Hooked on Grey Cheeks," SPBE Journal, (OND 1996): 22-26.
- Kauffman, Melissa L. "Best First Birds," 1997/98 Birds USA: 4-18 (mentions grey cheeks: 12,14).
- Laubscher, Cyril. "The First Recorded Mutation of The Grey-Cheeked Parakeet," Bird Talk, 16 (Jun. 1998): 56.
- Levine, Ray. "Back Talk: Pretty Baby - My Best Friend," Bird Talk, 17 (Sep. 1999): 4.
- Low, Rosemary. "Breeding Two Species of Brotogeris Parrakeets (sic) at Loro Parque," Avicultural Magazine, 93 (1987B): 198-201 (re: grey cheeks & cobalt wing).
- Marsh, Beverly. "The Grey Cheek: Larger Than Life," Winged Wisdom, (May 1998).
- Oberkircher, Jeannine. "Special Birds: Grandma's Grey Cheek," Bird Talk, 10 (June 1992): 54.
- "Parrot Psychology: Bratty Bird?," Bird Talk, 8 (Feb. 1990): 14.
- "Parrot Psychology: Cheeky Grey Cheek," Bird Talk, 6 (Mar. 1988): 26.
- "Parrot Psychology: Garrulous Grey Cheeks," Bird Talk, 9 (June 1991): 82-83.
- "Parrot Psychology: Grey Cheek Mood Swings," Bird Talk, 7 (Nov. 1989): 36,38.
- "Parrot Psychology: Is Harmony Possible?," Bird Talk, 8 (Oct. 1990): 17.
- "Parrot Psychology: Night Fright," Bird Talk, 9 (Feb. 1991): 58,60.
- Pies, Bernita. "Special Birds: Never a Dull Moment," Bird Talk, 7 (Nov. 1989): 26.
- Pietroski, Linda. "Ask the Experts: Loud Birds," Bird Talk, 9 (Feb. 1991): 39.
- Randall, Thomas and Porter, Patricia. "Back Talk: Brotogeris Buffs," Bird Talk, 8 (Mar. 1990): 4.
- "These Birds, Too - Might Be Right For You," Birds USA, 2001: 38-55 (gc's mentioned p. 48; photo p. 38).
- Thompson, Dale R. "Brotogeris - An Introduction," ASA Avicultural Bulletin, (June 1993): 12-13.
- Thompson, Dale R. "Brotogeris: Pocket Parrots," Bird Talk, 7 (Sep. 1989): 72-77.
- Thompson, Dale R. "The Nest Box: Grey Cheeked Parakeets," Bird Talk, 10 (Jan. 1992): 112-113.
- Voren, Howard. "Brotogeris: The International Diplomat," 1996/97 Birds USA: 110-112.
- Voren, Howard. "Brotogeris: The Masters of Adaptation," Bird Talk, 15 (May 1997): 50-52,54-57.
- Voren, Howard. "Parrots of the New World," 1998/99 Birds USA: 4-6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18-20, 22 (section on Brotogeris: 20,22).
- Worth, Gail. "Ask the Experts: Grey Cheek Cuisine," Bird Talk, 10 (Sept. 1992): 64.
- Worth, Gail. "Ask the Experts: Grey Cheek Nutrition," Bird Talk, 10 (June 1992): 40-42.
- Worth, Gail. "Grey-cheeked Parakeet," ASA Avicultural Bulletin, (June 1993): 10.
Scholarly Publications:
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- Best, Brinley J. & Michael Kessler. Biodiversity and Conservation in Tumbesian Ecuador and Peru, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International, 1995: 49, 124, 130-131, 151, 154, 163-172, 175, 187, 201. [pdf]
- Best, Brinley J., Christopher T. Clarke, Matthew Checker, Amanda L. Broom, Richard M. Thewlis, Will Duckworth and Angus McNab. "Distributional records, natural history notes, and conservation of some poorly known birds from southwestern Ecuador and northwestern Peru," (Part I) Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 113, 1993: 108-119. [BHL]
- Best, Brinley J., Niels Krabbe, Christopher T. Clarke, and Amanda L. Best. "Red-masked Parakeet (Aratinga erythrogenys) and Grey-cheeked Parakeet (Brotogeris Pyrrhopterus): Two threatened parrots from Tumbesian Ecuador and Peru?" in Bird Conservation International 5, 1995: 233-250. [BCL]
- Bloch, H., M. K. Poulsen, C. Rahbek, and Rasmussen, J. F. 1991. "A survey of the montane forest avifauna of the Loja Province southern Ecuador", ICBP Study Report 49, Cambridge. [book]
- Clubb, Susan L. "Private Aviculture in Conservation of Neotropical Psittacines" in New World Parrots in Crisis: Solutions from Conservation Biology, ed. Steven R. Beissinger and Noel F.R. Snyder, Washington and London: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1988: 124-127 (portion of article pertains to grey cheeks).
- Collar, N.J. and P. Andrew. Birds to Watch: The ICBP World Checklist of Threatened Birds, Technical Publication No. 8, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1988: 76. [ORYX]
- Collar, N.J. and A.T. Juniper. "Dimensions and Causes of the Parrot Conservation Crisis" in New World Parrots in Crisis: Solutions from Conservation Biology, ed. Steven R. Beissinger and Noel F.R. Snyder, Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1988: 3-21 (portion of article pertains to grey cheeks). [pdf]
- Davis, Christine. "Avian Behavior" in Companion Bird Medicine, ed. Elisha W. Burr, Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1987: 28-32 (grey cheeks: 28).
- Davis, Christine. "Common Types of Caged Birds and Comments on Their Temperaments and Pet Quality" in Diseases of Cage and Aviary Birds, ed. Walter J. Rosskopf, Jr. and Richard A. Woerpel, Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1996: 11-18 (grey cheeks/Brotogeris: 14).
- Meyer de Schauensee, Rodolphe. The Species of Birds of South America and Their Distribution, Norberth, PA: Academy of Natural Sciences, 1966: 129-130 (small section on Brotogeris).
- Parker, Theodore A., III, Thomas S. Schulenberg, Michael Kessler, and Walter H. Wust. "Natural history and conservation of the endemic avifauna in north-west Peru," Bird Conservation International, 5 (1995): 201-231. [pdf]
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